Physical Distance vs Social Isolation

The world over there is a lot of fear and uncertainty right now. Everyone is questioning what is going to happen next and how bad things could get. The reality though is that we just don’t know. So many people are just looking out for themselves, stripping supermarket shelves bare, using verbal/physical abuse and there is so much judgement.

We all need to take a step back, stop 🛑 and just look. Look at ourselves, look at others without judgement and look out for our neighbours, friends and each other.

The language that I am currently hearing so much of is all focused around social distancing. I think that this is subconsciously asking everyone to only think about themselves.

In my opinion we should change out the word “social” and think about replacing it with the word “physical”. What is required right now is for us to “Physically” distance ourselves from others to reduce the risks but, we can still be “social” with each other!! We can sit outside the window and talk to someone that is requiring physical isolation, we are still able to email, text and pick up the phone and have a conversation!!

We all still are able to be polite and treat each other with respect. Just because we need to keep a physical distance does in no way mean that we have to start completely cutting people off from the outside world or leave our manners behind.

If we continue to use words like “social distancing” and “social isolation” in the long run we will find that so many may not be physically unwell but will become mentally unwell from being completely cut off from the outside world as more begin to only think of themselves. If you know someone that has had to physically isolate themselves make sure that you check in on them regularly by calling or sending a text. Call your elderly neighbour and ask them if they need anything. Make sure that your loved ones and friends know that you are still around and that if you can you will help them in any way you can if they need it!

I am definitely in no way saying to disregard all the instructions that we are being given at all! These have been put in place for a reason and must be followed!! What I am saying is stop and look at the language we are using and remember that even though we have to PHYSICALLY distance ourselves from others we don’t have to cut them off from the world and we can still ALWAYS treat each other with respect!!

Love, Light and Blessings 💜💫🙏

3 thoughts on “Physical Distance vs Social Isolation”

  1. Six months after you wrote this and your words still ring so true. So many people have suffered during this time with these distancing measures in place. Let’s hope it will soon come to an end. After all, we’re a human species. We need interaction. 🙏

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